Climb Harder Clinic. Womens +


June 29 & 30


Squamish B.C

This unique 2 day course will build your skills and confidence so you can climb harder. You will learn mindset, tactics and practice falling.

It is designed for climbers looking to level up and challenge themselves on harder climbs. We explore a wide range of topics designed to change the way you analyze and approach climbing challenging grades.

This clinic is limited to 8 people. To ensure personalized attention, an ACMG certified climbing guide assists me.

Get ready to send this summer by taking this clinic early in late June!

Learning Outcomes:

-Structured falling instruction working with you where you are at to create more comfort with falling and catching falls (dynamic lead belaying).

-Tactics such as warming up, resting on the route, breathing, shaking out, breaking a route into workable sections & nutrition tips for optimal performance.

-Skills like clipping up a route, finding optimal clipping stances and remembering beta.

-Creating a maintaining a positive mindset that embraces curiosity and learning.


Participants must have at least one year of experience lead climbing and lead belaying on outdoor sport climbs. Comfort in climbing 5.10 sport outdoors is highly recommended as most of our venues have limited route options under 5.10. There is not a requirement in this clinic to lead, as many of the skills can be practiced on top rope but experience in lead climbing is required. 

Review Booking Policy and Waiver here

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